Publikationen der EM Strasbourg Business School

Die Forschungsarbeiten unserer Lehrenden mit Forschungsauftrag tragen zur Qualität des Unterrichts an der Hochschule bei. Hier finden Sie alle ihre wissenschaftlichen Artikel.

372 publications

EL KHOURY R., NASRALLAH N., ALAREENI B. (2021). The Determinants of ESG in the Banking sector of MENA Region: A Trend or Necessity?. Competitiveness Review, 33 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1]

FRANCOIS A., LE GALL C., MAGNI-BERTON R. (2021). Is the EU held accountable for economic performances? Assessing vote and popularity functions before and after membership. European Journal of Political Research, 60

BERTRAND J., WEILL L. (2021). Do Algorithms Discriminate Against African Americans in Lending?. Economic Modelling, 104 [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A]

LEFEBVRE V. (2021). Business group affiliation in rural contexts: Do small firms grow faster through working capital management?. Growth and Change, 52 (n° 4) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.B]

DEPRINCE E., MAYRHOFER U., PEREIRA PÜNDRICH A. (2021). Quelle communication de crise pour les PME internationalisées dans un contexte de pandémie ?. Revue Internationale PME, 34 (n° 3) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.B]

BRIX-ASALA C., SEURING S., SAUER P., ZEHENDNER A. (2021). Resolving the base of the pyramid inclusion paradox through supplier development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30 (n° 7) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]

HAMDAN R., NASRALLAH N., EL KHOURY R., HAMDAN A., ALAREENI B. (2021). Presence of women on boards in industrial firms: evidence from GCC countries financial markets.. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 17 (n° 1)

HUAMAN RAMIREZ R., MAANINOU N., MERUNKA D., COVA V. (2021). How do consumers perceive old brands? Measurement and consequences of brand oldness associations. European Business Review, 33 (n° 4) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]

GRANDCLAUDE D. (2021). Au delà de l'intention, une approche sémiotique des modalités de l'Action Entrepreneuriale. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 20 (n° 3) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]

BUALLAY A., AL MARRI M., NASRALLAH N., HAMDAN A., BARONNE E., ZUREIGAT Q. (2021). Sustainability reporting in banking and financial services sector: a regional analysis. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 13 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1]

ROEDERER C., OCHS A., BADOT O. (2021). Les consommateurs parlent aux consommateurs : exploration des mécanismes de co-creation par la théorie de l'assemblage. Décisions Marketing, 100 (n° 100) [CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]

ÖCALAN-ÖZEL S., LLERENA P. (2021). Industry Collaborations of Research Teams: Are They Penalized or Rewarded in the Grant Evaluation Process?. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 60