MAJUMDER R., PLOTKINA D., RABESON L. (2023). Environmentally responsible values, attitudes and intentions of Indian consumers. Environmental Values [CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
PLOTKINA D., RABESON L. (2022). The role of transactionality of mobile branded apps in brand experience and its impact on loyalty. Journal of Brand Management, 29 (n° 5) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.C] Impact Factor. 4.23
RABESON L., PARASCHIV C., BERTRANDIAS L., CHENAVAZ R. (2022). Couple ethical purchase behavior and joint decision-making: Understanding the interaction process and the dynamics of influence. Sustainability, 14 (n° 13) Impact Factor. 3.25
BAMBAUER-SACHSE S., RABESON L. (2015). Determining adequate tangible compensation in service recovery processes for developed and developing countries: The role of severity and responsibility. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22 (n° 1) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 7.13
BAMBAUER-SACHSE S., RABESON L. (2015). Service recovery for moderate and high involvement services. Journal of Services Marketing, 29 (n° 5) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 4.72
WALSER LUCHESI A., FURST A., RABESON L. (forthcoming). Second-hand Luxury for Generations Y and Z: Embracing Responsible Consumption or Hunting for Luxury Brand Treasures? An Analysis from France Using the Theory of Planned Behavior.. Core Values and Decision-Making for Sustainable Business: An International Perspective, Germany, SPRINGER
RAMBOARISON-LALAO L., RABESON L. (2020). Chapter 18. Apprenticeship management in Africa: the case of Madagascar. Learning and its Success, London UK, WILEY
RAMBOARISON-LALAO L., RABESON L. (2019). Chapitre 18: L'apprentissage en management en Afrique: le cas de Madagascar. L'apprentissage et sa réussite, London UK, ISTE Editions Ltd
BAMBAUER-SACHSE S., RABESON L. (2016). When does the value of compensation matter in service recovery processes?. Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing's Engagement Era., Cham, SPRINGER, 35-40
BAMBAUER-SACHSE S., RABESON L. (2014). Effective use of non-monetary and monetary compensation in service recovery. Winter Educators Conference 2014: Engaging Customers, Orlando, G. Hunter, T. Steenburgh, 33-41
FURST A., RABESON L., WALSER LUCHESI A. Purchase Intentions of Second-Hand Luxury Goods among Generations Y and Z: Structured Abstract, accepted to 2024 AMS World Marketing Congress, (Academy of Marketing Science Juin 2024)
FURST A., WALSER LUCHESI A., RABESON L. Le luxe d'occasion pour les générations Y et Z : adoption d'une consommation responsable ou chasse au trésor des marques de luxe ? Décryptage par la théorie du comportement planifié., 10ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est, ( Mars 2024)
MAJUMDER R., PLOTKINA D., RABESON L. Environmentally responsible values, attitudes, and intentions of Indian consumers, EMAC 2021 Annual Conference, ( Mai 2021)
RABESON L., PLOTKINA D. Train and entertain me. Experience with a Nike non-commercial application., 2020 AMA Summer Academic Conference, ( Aôut 2020)
RABESON L., PARASCHIV C., BERTRANDIAS L. Couple dynamics: Ethical consumption and decision-making process, 3ème Journée Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Décisions des Consommateurs, ( Novembre 2020)
PLOTKINA D., RABESON L. To app or not to app? Investigation of the impact of non-commercial mobile application on luxury brand identity., EMAC, ( Mai 2019)
RABESON L., PLOTKINA D. Entertain me: investigation of the impact of non-commercial mobile application on consumer perceptions in the luxury industry., 5ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est, ( Février 2019)
RABESON L., PARASCHIV C., BERTRANDIAS L. Ethical consumption and the couple decision-making process: An exploratory study, accepted to European Business Ethics Network Research Conference, ( Aôut 2017)
BAMBAUER-SACHSE S., RABESON L. When does the value of compensation matter in service recovery processes?, 2014 AMS Annual Conference, ( Mai 2014)
BAMBAUER-SACHSE S., RABESON L. Effective use of non-monetary and monetary compensation in service recovery., 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference, (American Marketing Association Février 2014)