Les publications de l'EM Strasbourg

Les travaux de recherche menés par nos enseignants-chercheurs contribuent à la qualité des enseignements de l’école. Retrouvez ici, l’ensemble de leurs articles académiques.

1923 publications

VELIKOVA N., CANZIANI B., WILLIAMS H. (2019). Small winery-restaurant relationship building: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Wine Business Research, 31

SUAREZ N., FERRER E., SANTAMARIA R. (2019). Does analyst information influence the cost of debt? Some international evidence. International Review of Economics & Finance [ABS cat.2, FNEGE cat.4]

MARTíN DE LA CRUZ M., GARCíA DE MADARIAGA MIRANDA J. (2019). Cómo influye el liderazgo político en el comportamiento electoral subestatal? Una aproximación cualitativa. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 6

THIEMANN D., MULLER M., KOZICA A. (2019). Selbstorganisation in komplexen digitalen Arbeitswelten. Der Mensch in der Selbstorganisation. uniscope. Publikationen der SGO Stiftung

FERRARI M. (2019). Comunicazione del rischio e comunicazione scientifica: spunti per un'analisi interdisciplinare e comparata. Rivista di diritto alimentare, 3

CONDUIT J., KARPEN I., TIERNEY K. (2019). Volunteer Engagement: Conceptual Extensions and Valuein- Context Outcomes. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 29 (n° 4) [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.4, HCERES cat.C]

SIGALA M. (2019). The Synergy of Wine and Culture: The Case of Ariousios Wine, Greece. Management and marketing of wine tourism business

BOOTZ J., LIEVRE P., SCHENK E. (2019). L'enquête comme logique de sollicitation des experts en mode exploration : analyse de deux expéditions en milieux extrêmes

CAMBEFORT M. (2019). A typology of the perceived risks in the context of consumer brand resistance. Journal of Product and Brand Management [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.C]

HUAMAN RAMIREZ R., ALBERT N., MERUNKA D. (2019). Are global brands trustworthy? The role of brand affect, brand innovativeness, and consumer ethnocentrism. European Business Review, 31 (n° 6) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]

YANG C., TANG M. (2019). A study of the mechanism by which guanxi-based human resource management practices influence employees' active change. Management Review, 31

BOURACHNIKOVA O., MERDINGER-RUMPLER C. (2019). Quels enjeux pédagogiques pour une formation entrepreneuriale fondée sur l'apprentissage par l'action?. Entreprendre & Innover, 42 [FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]