Les publications de l'EM Strasbourg
Les travaux de recherche menés par nos enseignants-chercheurs contribuent à la qualité des enseignements de l’école. Retrouvez ici, l’ensemble de leurs articles académiques.
479 publications
ROUZIOU M., BOLANDER W., PEESKER K., HAUTAMäKI P., RANGARAJAN D., SAMARAWEERA M., BULLEMORE J., KLEIN M. (2024). Global Events Demand Global Data: COVID-19 Crisis Responses and the Future of Selling and Sales Management around the Globe. Journal of International Marketing [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 4.9
AMABILE S., HALLER C. (2024). Understanding the combination of causal and effectual logic by entrepreneurs: a contribution to the effectuation theory. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 52 (n° 3) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
LEFEBVRE V. (2024). Mobilizing potential slack and firm performance: Evidence from French SMEs before and during the COVID-19 period. Journal of Small Business Management, 62 (n° 4) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
HEYERT A., WEILL L. (2024). Never Forget, Never Forgive: The Impact of Inflation on Trust in Banks. Applied Economics, 56 (n° 36) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A]
HEYERT A., WEILL L. (2024). Does Distrust in Banks Reduce Bank Risk-Taking?. Finance Research Letters, 68 [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
ZARYAB H., METWALL A., AKRAM Z., CHEHBI GAMOURA S. (2024). Temperature Entropies of Silicate Network. Silicon, 1 (n° 13) Impact Factor. 2.8
BELLOFATTO A., D'HONDT C., BROIHANNE M. (2024). Financial Knowledge Acquisition and Trading Behavior: Empirical evidence from an online information tool. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management [ABS cat.2, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
VIALE L., ZOUARI D., VACHER S. (2024). Eco-leadership au coeur de la Supply chain : Le rôle pivot de l'acheteur dans l'Éco-innovation. Logistique & Management, 12 (n° 3) [FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.C]
PLOTKINA D., ORKUT H., KARAGEYIM M. (2024). Give me a human! How anthropomorphism and robot gender affect trust in financial robo-advisory services. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 36 (n° 10) [ABS cat.1]
MICHEL S., DEFIEBRE-MULLER R. (2024). When meta-organizations fall asleep: The dormancy process. Scandinavian Journal of Management [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
LABBé J., OLA A., LEFEBVRE V. (2024). De nouveaux gardiens pour la galaxie verte ? Analyse des pratiques de collaboration entre business angels / investisseurs providentiels et entrepreneurs dans l'étude de cas d'une cleantech. Vie et Sciences de l'Entreprise, 220 [FNEGE cat.4]
MERLI M., PALLUD J., PULIKOVA M. (2024). Going Green? On the Drivers of Individuals' Green Bank Adoption. Business Ethics: A European Review, 33 (n° 4) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 3.6