The SDFC [JECG in French] is being organized by Célia Lemaire in partnership with the AMCGAO [Association of Masters of Management Control and Organizational Audit], the AFC [Francophone Accounting Association], and the HuManiS Research Center, on the theme of “digitalization and financial control”. It will take place on Monday, March 16, 2020 at EM Strasbourg.
We are pleased to announce that the submission deadline has been extended to participate in the 12th Study Day in Financial Control on the theme of “Digitization and Financial Control”
The date chosen is February 15, the day on which the AFC Congress will also be held.
Here is the link to submit your paper intention: https://jecg.em-strasbourg.eu/soumissions
As a reminder, the best papers will be selected for submission to the Audit, Accounting, and Internal Controls magazine: Applied Research (ACCRA).
For more information, please visit the event's website: https://jecg.em-strasbourg.eu/
Looking forward to seeing you again on the day,
Yours sincerely,
The organizing team for the 12th SDFC
Call for papers