“Germans only drink beer, eat bratwurst, wear socks with sandals, etc.” Have you ever heard these stereotypes about German-speaking culture? Discover the Franco-German track at EM Strasbourg and forget these stereotypes. In our school, opening up to the world is one of our commitments. This starts with making our students knowledgeable and curious from the very first year of Programme Grande Ecole (PGE).
The Franco-German track: What’s it all about?
The Franco-German track is open to first-year PGE students. The vast majority of courses are, unsurprisingly, in German: strategic analysis, human resources, marketing, or finance are among the disciplines taught in this language. Since fall 2019, first-year courses are based on the EntoMovoria transdisciplinary case study.
Mixing theory and practice, students must reflect on the theme of feeding humanity in the language of their chosen track through group work. “Classes use the flipped classroom method: students learn theoretical concepts independently at home according to a schedule designed by lecturers and using the resources made available to them. When students come to class, lecturers are there to answer their questions, to go over notions, and above all to support them in applying theoretical concepts to the EntoMovoria case study,” explains Marie Stadge, who has been teaching strategy and marketing for six years in this track. By the end of the first semester and through their knowledge and application, students in the track are able to analyze and develop the strategy of the fictitious company EntoMovoria—in German!
“Even if the level of German is perfectible, students can still get a good grade if the work submitted is well thought out.”
Marie Stadge, lecturer in strategy and marketing at EM Strasbourg
In the Franco-German track, the language barrier is lifted, and all students, thanks to the support of their lecturers, are able to progress. “What I appreciated most about this track was the challenge of thinking directly in German, instead of thinking first in French and then translating,” says Camille Boisson, a former student from the Franco-German track.
Who can join this track?
Admittedly, taking most courses in German seems unthinkable for many students. In reality, only a few students are fluent in the language before entering the track. “The most important thing when taking this track is staying focused. I had to learn on my own and quickly understand important concepts as well as the expectations of the lecturers,” explains Camille, who had completed postsecondary preparatory classes in economics and business (science track) and the German European section. “The real advantage when you are not bilingual is that you focus your attention only on what you understand.” It is therefore quite possible for future students having some basic knowledge of the language to join the adventure. Generally, the motivation behind joining this track is to go to a German-speaking country and then to enter the German labor market. These objectives encourage students to stay motivated and ambitious. “A good level of language comprehension is enough,” reassures Marie Stadge. Students indeed progress over time and become accustomed to the vocabulary, which is more business-oriented than in preparatory classes. The Franco-German track is a very enriching experience, which allows students to mature and grow.
“The track can help students better prepare for an exchange or a job in Germany.”
Marie Stadge, lecturer in strategy and marketing at EM Strasbourg
Why choose this track?
Here are three good reasons that will make you want to join the PGE Franco-German track at EM Strasbourg:
- Personalized support: The size of these classes is reduced, allowing students to enjoy stronger and closer relationships with lecturers. It also provides for better learning conditions: “As there are slightly fewer students in the Franco-German track, lecturers can slow down the pace when necessary and have more time to help each student,” adds Marie Stadge. The Franco-German track attracts around twenty students every year. “It's a close-knit group, a bit like a family,” shares Camille. Strong peer support among students in the track makes it is easier to overcome difficulties and stress.
- A solid foundation in German: The Franco-German track allows students to consolidate their grammatical and linguistic knowledge. Camille was notably able to draft questionnaires for a market study and her résumé in German with ease. “Completing the Franco-German track gave me a real boost because I would like to spend my third year of the PGE in Germany and now I’m not really afraid of taking classes in German!” she proclaims.
- The new “Be Distinctive”: In the job market, it is important to stand out and show your personality. This is all the more important today, during the health crisis, as the labor market is undergoing major changes. The Franco-German track opens many doors for students. Exchanges in Germany as well as courses in German enable former students to obtain several job offers across the Rhine.
What if the Franco-German track were the “Be Distinctive” experience that would tip the scales in your favor during an interview?
Article written by Audrey, EM Strasbourg student and ambassador for 2020/2021