LANGINIER H., BARNER-RASMUSSEN W. (forthcoming). Multilingual practices and inclusion in context: a model based on the Big Four Accounting firms in Luxembourg. European Journal of International Management [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
LANGINIER H., PEREIRA PüNDRICH A., AL ARISS A. (2024). Understanding professional migrant women's successful career progression within the Big Four in Luxembourg. International Business Review, 33 (n° 1) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
RIDGWAY M., LANGINIER H. (2023). The evolving field of global mobility: responses to global volatility (2013-2022). Journal of Global Mobility [ABS cat.2]
LANGINIER H., MAC-GABHANN K., MEHMANPAZIR B. (2023). Intercultural learning factors of French students abroad: a focus on interpersonal engagement in context. Journal of International Business Education, 18 [ABS cat.2]
LANGINIER H., PEREIRA PüNDRICH A., AL ARISS A. (2022). All that she wants: the role of cultural gender norms, career and family for professional migrant women in the Big Four. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (n° 126) [CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
LANGINIER H., EHRHART S. (2020). When Local Meets Global: How Introducing English Destabilizes Translanguaging Practices in a Cross-Border Organization. Management International, 24 (n° 2) [CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
LANGINIER H., FROEHLICHER T. (2018). Context matters: Expatriates' adjustment and contact with host country nationals in Luxembourg. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60 (n° 1) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
HAMEZ G., EHRHART S., LANGINIER H., POLZIN-HAUMANN C., REISSNER C., TREPOS J. (2016). Frontières linguistiques et communautés de travail. Un bilinguisme à l'épreuve du changement industriel. Questions de communication, 29
BONACHE J., LANGINIER H., ZARRAGA-OBERTY C. (2016). Antecedents and Effects of Host Country Nationals Negative Stereotyping of Corporate Expatriates. A Social Identity Analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 26 (n° 1) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
LANGINIER H., GYGER GASPOZ D. (2015). Expatriates and Teenagers' Nomadic Identities : an Intersectional Analysis. Equality Diversity Inclusion - An International Journal, 34 (n° 4)
LANGINIER H. (2019). Au Luxembourg, des femmes issues des minorités visibles sont membres de comités exécutifs. Le Monde
BARNER-RASMUSSEN W., LANGINIER H. (2020). Exploring Translanguaging in International Business. Towards a Comparison of hHighly Context-Embedded Practices Evidence From France and Finland. Managing multilingual workplaces methodological, empirical and pedagogic perspectives, New York, Routledge Sierk Horn, Philippe Lecomte, Susanne Tietze, 103-121
LANGINIER H. (2014). Intégration des cadres internationaux dans l'environnement multiculturel et multilingue luxembourgeois. Europaïsche Mehrsprachigkeit in Bewegung : Treffpunkt Luxemburg., Peter Lang
LANGINIER H., EHRHART S., HAMEZ G., POLZIN-HAUMANN C., REISSNER C., TREPOS J. European cross border police cooperation in the French region of the four borders - Between bridging and bonding, Conférence GEM&L 2023, (GEM&L ( Groupe d'études Management et languages) Mai 2023)
LANGINIER H., MAC GABHANN K., MEHMANPAZIR B. Intercultural learning factors of French students abroad: a focus on interpersonal engagement in context, Conference EURAM, (European Academy of Management Juin 2022)
EHRHART S., LOVRITS V., LANGINIER H. French and language ideologies in a multilingual EU institution: Re-constructing the meaning of a language choice, Conference GEM&L, ( Mai 2022)
WILCZEWSKI M., MUGHAN T., VIGIER M., GIURI P., LANGINIER H., LU W., PUFFER S. Language and communication challenges and coping responses in international student pre- and post-pandemic experience. A qualitative cross-national study, European Academy of Management, (European Academy of Management Juin 2021)
LANGINIER H., MAC GABHANN K., VALLEJO GARCIA J., MEHMANPAZIR B. Comparing French and Chinese students' intercultural competence: a focus on interpersonal engagement, 14e conférence GEM&L (Groupe d'études Management & Langues), ( Juillet 2020)
LANGINIER H., AL ARISS A., PEREIRA PÜNDRICH A. Understanding shapers of success for female self-initiated expatriates from emerging countries, 10ème Conférence d'Atlas AFMI, (Association Française de Management International - AFMI Mai 2020)
LANGINIER H., BARNER-RASMUSSEN W. How do culture and language relate to local and global identity? A conceptual framework, 12th GEM, ( 2019)
LANGINIER H., PEREIRA PÜNDRICH A. Understanding shapers of success for female self-initiated expatriates from emerging countries, 19th EURAM conference, ( 2019)
LANGINIER H. Managing language diversity for inclusion, Key note speak signature charte diversité, ( 2019)
LANGINIER H., BARNER-RASMUSSEN W. Introduction of a common corporate language: experiences of a best-practice scenario, (12th GEM 2018)
LANGINIER H. Managing board cultural diversity for company secretaries, (Session Institut Luxembourgeois des administrateurs 2018)
LANGINIER H., AL ARISS A., PEREIRA PÜNDRICH A. Understanding shapers of success for female self-initiated expatriates from emerging countries, 33rd EGOS Colloqium, (European Group for Organizational Studies Juillet 2017)
LANGINIER H. Introduction de l'anglais comme langue commune grâce au blended learning chez HAGER Group: une étude de cas, (11e Colloque GEM 2017)
LANGINIER H. Translanguaging practices in a cross-border organisation: an ecolinguistic perspective, (European Academy of Management Juin 2016)
LANGINIER H., BARNER-RASMUSSEN W. Translanguaging practices in multilingual business contexts : observation from France and Finland, (10e colloque GEM&L Mars 2016)
LANGINIER H. Which kind of language ecology for the multilingual workplace?, (9e Colloque GEM&L Management & Langage Juin 2015)
LANGINIER H. When locals meets global: translanguaging practices in a cross-border organisation, (European Group for Organizational Studies 2015)
LANGINIER H. Symposium: Le translanguaging en pratique: des salles de classe aux équipes projet du constructeur automobile smart, (43e congrès UPLEGESS 2015)
LANGINIER H., YALENIOS J. Understanding Chinese women self-initiated expatriates' career experience in France, (1st conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation 2015)
LANGINIER H. Antecedents and effects of Host Country Nationals' negative stereotyping towards expatriates, (European Academy of Management 2014)
LANGINIER H., AGOSTINI B. Table ronde : Perspectives interculturelles, (Journées Européennes ICN - Université de Lorraine . Les langues dans l'entreprise barrières ou ressources? 2014)
LANGINIER H. Les frontières dans l'entreprise automobile smart : un défi pour le management interculturel, (10e rencontres internationales de la diversité 2014)
LANGINIER H. Managing language diversity in multilingual workplaces : the specific case of Luxembourg, (European Group for Organizational Studies 2013)
LANGINIER H. Tentative de reflexivité sur un parcours de recherche commencé en entreprise, (Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines 2012)
LANGINIER H. L'intégration des cadres internationaux dans l'environnement multiculturel luxembourgeois, (Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines 2011)
Commitment to Academia
Prix du meilleur projet doctoral, ATLAS-AFMI (2011).