H. Langinier et A. Pereira Pündrich, publication dans International Business Review


Hélène Langinier et Aline Pereira Pündrich, enseignants-chercheurs à l’EM Strasbourg, ont publié récemment un article dans « International Business Review », en collaboration avec un professeur de TBS Education.

Hélène Langinier, Aline Pereira Pündrich (EM Strasbourg) et Akram Al Ariss ont co-écrit un article intitulé "Understanding professional migrant women's successful career progression within the Big Four in Luxembourg".


This paper identifies the resources used by professional migrant women (PMW) from Asian countries, Mauritius and Eastern Europe to succeed in their careers in the context of the Big Four firms in Luxembourg. Our study builds on 39 interviews, 21 of which are with PMW, and the remaining 18 are with leaders working in this field. We draw on the Theory of Practice of Bourdieu to highlight how a population who is a priori discriminated against can rebalance an unfavorable power dynamic through the identification of resources necessary to develop agency in order to succeed in a specific context. Understanding the role of the interplay between local and organizational factors in shaping the power logic that defines career progression provides the opportunity to alter the reproduction of a notoriously elitist field in favor of more diversity.

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The International Business Review (IBR) is a premier international journal in the discipline of international business, and the official journal of the European International Business Academy (EIBA). The journal publishes original and insightful papers on the theory and practice of international business, broadly defined to embrace firms internationalization strategies, the cross-border management of firms operations, and comparative studies of the business environments in different countries. Put simply, the journal is interested in publishing papers that inform the international operations of firms (whether SMEs or large MNEs), or guide the actions of policy-makers in home or host countries. The journal welcomes conceptual papers, empirical papers and review articles, and is open to contributions from strategy, finance, management, marketing, economics, HRM and organizational scholars. IBR embraces methodological plurality, and papers using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are equally welcome.

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