IEEE ICALT 2020 will be hosted on 8-10 July 2020 by EM-Strasbourg (Strasbourg University) in collaboration with University of Sfa (Tunisia),Taif University (KSA), University Picardie Jules Verneand the University Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France).
You are invited to submit a full paper at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT’2020).
- Xavier Prevost (Group Director, Business Solutions & IS. FM-Logistics, France)
- Prof. Angappa Gunasekaran (California State University, Bakersfield, USA)
- Prof. Rudolf Kruse (IEEE Fellow, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany)
- Prof. Antonella Ferrara (IEEE Fellow, University of Pavia, Italy)
- Prof. Michael Bourlakis (Cranfield School of Management, UK)
- Clair Augsburger (FlexSim Software Products, France)
- Prof. Wafik Hachicha (Taif University, KSA)
Important Dates
- Special session proposals due: January 15, 2020
- Paper submissions due: February 15, 2020
- Paper notifications of acceptance: March 25, 2020
- Paper publication-ready versions due: May 25, 2020
More informations about the symphoniums, the comittees, the conditions of application and the program of the event on the website : https://icalt.ieee.tn/