V. Lefebvre, publication dans Journal of Small Business Management


La revue "Journal of Small Business Management" a publié en mars dernier un article écrit par un doctorant de l'EM Strasbourg.

Vivien Lefebvre (LaRGE, EM Strasbourg) a écrit l'article "Performance, working capital management, and the liability of smallness: Aquestion of opportunity costs?"

Cet article étudie la relation entre la gestion du fond de roulement et la performance opérationnelle de l'entreprise en se focalisant sur l'effet modérateur de la taille de la structure.

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The primary purpose of the Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) is to publish scholarly research articles in the fields of smallbusiness management and entrepreneurship. As the official journal of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the JSBM isrecognized as a primary instrument for projecting and supporting the goals and objectives of this organization, which include scholarlyresearch and the free exchange of ideas.

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