At the University of Strasbourg's back-to-school ceremony, the president of the University, Michel Deneken, presented a scientific award, Les Espoirs de l’Université de Strasbourg, to Célia Lemaire, associate professor and research advisor at EMSBS.
This scientific award recognizes scientists who have shown originality and drive in implementing their research, which shows great promise. (Source: University of Strasbourg website)
Here is what the jury praised in the researcher's background and approach: Célia Lemaire develops field research allowing cross-fertilization between the University and its socioeconomic environment.
“I was responsible for implementing a dashboard for medico-social establishments and services for six years. This enabled me to develop detailed knowledge of the medico-social sector, to maintain regular contact with players in the sector, and to shape research projects.”
She has gradually brought her work to the international level for visibility and impact. In addition to publications in international journals, she has developed fruitful international collaborations, in particular with Canadian colleagues. She promotes interdisciplinarity in order to foster a holistic understanding of phenomena and avoid the decompartmentalization of academic fields.
“I am convinced that multidisciplinary approaches lead to a better understanding of phenomena and clear synergies. In particular, I am conducting interdisciplinary collaborative work with colleagues at the IHU (university hospital institute) in Strasbourg on the organizational analysis of innovations in health. I also have the pleasure of coordinating the project INNOVEHPAD on digital and organizational innovations for social cohesion in nursing homes following the COVID-19 epidemic. This multidisciplinary project (ethology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, education, and management sciences) was the winner of the call for proposals Résilience Grand Est carried out by the Region in collaboration with the ANR (French National Research Agency) and the Ministry of Higher Education.”
Last publications:
- Lemaire, Célia (2021) « Quand le contrôle de gestion façonne les relations interorganisationnelles. Le cas de l'introduction d'un tableau de bord dans le médicosocial » Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit, Tome 27, volume 3 : p. 7-40. [Revue classée A HCERES / CNRS Cat. 2 / FNEGE Rang 2].
- Côté, André, Abasse, Kassim S., Laberge, Maude, Gilbert, Marie-Hélène, Breton, Milaine, & Lemaire, Célia (2021). “Orthopedist involvement in the management of clinical activities: A case study”. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 299. [Revue classée B HCERES / CNRS Cat. 3 / FNEGE Rang 3] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09585192.2021.1893787
- Richard, Sarah; Lemaire, Célia; Church-Morel, Amy (2021) “Beyond Identity Consciousness: Human Resource Management Practices and Mental Health Diversity, the Case of Sheltered Workshops” International Journal of Human Resource Management [Revue classée A HCERES / CNRS Cat. 3 / FNEGE Rang 2]. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2021.1893787
- Allain, Élodie, Lemaire, Célia & Lux, Gulliver (2021). “Managers’ subtle resistance to neoliberal reforms through and by means of management accounting” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. [Revue classée A HCERES / CNRS Cat. 2 / FNEGE Rang 2 / classé A* par l'ABS, impact factor: 3,497, 5-years impact factor: 4,680, Scopus H index 92] https://doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-12-2018-3799
- Lemaire, Célia, & Pessaux, Patrick (2020). Infidélité, ambiguïté et dimension provisoire de la valorisation des coûts de parcours de soins. Journal de gestion et d’économie de la santé, N° 5-6(5), 358–369. [Revue classée C HCERES / CNRS Cat. 4 / FNEGE Rang 4].
- Lemaire, Célia (2020). « Évolution des perceptions d’un tableau de bord dans le médico-social » Finance Contrôle Stratégie, NS-10, le contrôle de gestion dans les organisations de l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire [Revue classée B HCERES / CNRS Cat. 3, FNEGE Rang 3]. http://journals.openedition.org/fcs/5611
- Lemaire, Célia ; Vuillemenot-Wallet, Lydie ; Lugiez, Constance ; Pessaux, Patrick (2020). « Appliquer le TDABC aux parcours de soins, bien plus qu’une promenade de santé » ACCRA Audit Comptabilité Contrôle : Recherches Appliquées, 8(2), 37–65. [CNRS - revue émergente]. Cairn.info. https://doi.org/10.3917/accra.008.0037
The winners of the award Les Espoirs de l'Université de Strasbourg
Célia Lemaire and Michel Deneken, President of the University of Strasbourg
We congratulate her warmly on this great achievement!