A look back at the 14th annual GEM&L International Conference


From May 10 to 12, 2021, EMSBS virtually hosted the annual GEM&L International Conference with 69 participants on the theme “global working and language: towards an understanding of global-local interplay in context.”

GEM&L (Groupe d'Etudes Management et Langage) is an academic association, member of the scientific college of FNEGE, and partner member of EFMD. It carries out research on the role of language and languages in international management.

Participants appreciated the stimulating exchanges and the presentations on work in various contexts with innovative methodological approaches and different disciplinary perspectives: international business, human resources, linguistics, and economics. The conviviality of the event was underlined despite the virtual format.

The keynote speakers were very popular: Sebastian Reiche shared his exciting research on transitions between global and local contexts. Then Eric Davoine and Christoph Barmeyer captivated the audience by sharing their latest research on Franco-German management and the difficulty of translating managerial concepts that are too deeply rooted in their culture of origin.

Finally, a roundtable discussion with Kevin Mac Gabhann and Hélène Langinier on educating “global managers” of the future brought the three days of discussion to a close.

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