The HuManiS (EM Strasbourg Business School) and BETA (Faculty of Economics and Management) research centers at the University of Strasbourg organized the 32nd annual conference of the International Association of Strategic Management (AIMS [Fr]).
The conference took place June 7–9, 2023, on their campus in the European Center of Management and Economics (PEGE), which is not far from the heart of the city. It explored changes in strategic management in the face of ecological, digital, and geopolitical challenges.
Over 150 papers were presented over three days. In addition, the conference was punctuated by several highlights:
- Pre-conference activities: Les doctoriades, a doctoral workshop, a case study workshop, and an early career workshop
- Conference by Shaker Zahra (University of Minnesota): “The Role of Machine Learning in Strategy and Innovation”
- Reception at the Art Café at Strasbourg's Musée d'Art Moderne
- Conference on industrial ecology at the port of Strasbourg by Sophie Treger (Groupement des Usagers des Ports de Strasbourg) and Eloïse Broussin (Initiatives Durables): “L'écologie industrielle au Port de Strasbourg, 2ème port fluvial d'Europe”
- Annual meeting and presentation of awards by the Permanent Scientific Committee
- Opportunity to meet the editors of M@n@gement, Finance Contrôle Stratégie (FCS), Innovations, Peer Community in Organization Studies (PCI Org Studies), and Revue Française de Gestion (RFG)
- Gala at Grand Tigre and presentation of awards by the Local Scientific Committee
- Conference by Thierry Mulhaupt (chocolatier): “Cacao for Good, le cacao qui change le monde”
Find the complete program here [Fr]
The conference organizers were delighted to welcome participants to Strasbourg. Many thanks to participants for the quality of the discussions and to the session chairs for their leadership.