Zooming in on La Ruche à Projets, EM Strasbourg’s incubator

Article la Ruche à Projets

EM Strasbourg’s incubator, created in 2013, is today an entrepreneurial center with three areas of expertise: coaching (collective and individual), financing (the association Le Bar à Projets), and coworking (844 m2 of available space). Its aim is to support the entrepreneurial aspirations of EM Strasbourg students in line with the values of diversity, sustainable development, and ethics.


The year 2019–2020 in a few figures:

  • A team of 12 coaches, multidisciplinary and specialized in supporting young entrepreneurs from idea generation to marketing
  • 4 idea generation sessions, allowing students to generate projects in line with societal issues and involving more than 60 participants
  • 40 entrepreneurial projects supported
  • 350+ hours of coaching provided
  • 5 events organized by La Ruche à Projets, including an evening dedicated to pitching projects and a three-hour challenge to win free web development provided by Wild Code School
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