Bachelor of International Business

Choosing the Bachelor of International Business at EM Strasbourg means committing to a program of excellence and playing an active role in your education.



At EM Strasbourg, our students build their program of study in accordance with their interests and career objectives.

International Manager Track

If you’d like to start your studies at EM Strasbourg and end them abroad, opt for this track, which allows you to spend one or two semesters at a partner institution.

Choose between Progressive English and Full English
English is at the heart of the Bachelor of International Business. To learn the language of business, our students have two options:

- Progressive English gradually develops your skills over the course of the three-year program.
- For those looking to go further, Full English offers the possibility of completing the bachelor's program entirely in English as early as the first year (this is optional and subject to conditions)

Triple Degree Track

Designed for trilingual students proficient in English, German, and French, this track allows you to learn and grow in a different environment each year of the program: the first year is spent on-site at EM Strasbourg, the second at the University of Hohenheim, and the third at HEC Liège Management School. The advantage of this option? You earn a triple degree at the end of your three years of study.

Their Experience

"Joining EM Strasbourg has allowed me to develop many skills thanks to the different projects that the School offers. I was able to manage a team of 30 people, which was a unique and very educational experience, particularly for my age. The many partnerships at EM Strasbourg also allow us to become ...

Claire Wahl

"I joined EM Strasbourg after graduating from high school by entering the Bachelor of International Business. I am now a graduate of the Master of E-Marketing and Digital Strategy, which was a dual degree. With a wealth of experience abroad, a gap year, work experience, and various group experiences...

Arthur Kornicki

"I chose the Bachelor of International Business because it allows you to gain professional (nine months of internship) and international (three to nine months abroad) experience. I particularly enjoyed my first year in Southampton in the UK, the values-based project, and the second-year internship. ...

Mathilde May

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