G. Broye, P. Johannes, Best Paper Award Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance


Géraldine Broye et Pauline Johannes, enseignants-chercheurs à l’EM Strasbourg, ont reçu le « Best Paper Award » lors de la 19ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance (CIG), qui a eu lieu en ligne les 12 et 13 novembre 2020.

La communication est intitulée “Audit committee and audit committee chair status: Influence on earnings management”.


This study examines how the status of audit committee members and audit committee (AC) chairpersons influences earnings management, with a specific focus on the French elite educational affiliation of individuals. Using a sample of 1,585 firm-year observations, we do not provide any evidence that high-status AC members and AC chairs constrain earnings management. However, higher status AC members and AC chairs, compared to the CEO, are associated with less earnings management. Overall, our results do not support the assumption that high-status AC members and AC chairs act as strong managerial monitors. Our findings rather imply that elite AC members and AC chairs influence the expectations and behaviour of lower status CEOs, and constrain opportunistic earnings management through the image of authority they convey.

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