BELLOFATTO A., D'HONDT C., BROIHANNE M. (forthcoming). Financial Knowledge Acquisition and Trading Behavior: Empirical evidence from an online information tool. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management [ABS cat.2, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
BROIHANNE M., PLOTKINA D., KLEIMEIER S., GöRITZ A., HOFFMANN A. (2025). How COVID-19 illness perceptions and individual shocks are associated with trust during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, France, Germany, and South Africa. Health Policy [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
KLEIMEIER S., HOFFMANN A., BROIHANNE M., PLOTKINA D., GöRITZ A. (2023). Determinants of Individuals' Objective and Subjective Financial Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Banking and Finance, 153 (n° 106881) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H., OSEI-TUTU F. (2023). Cold time, cool time? Weather-induced moods and financial risk tolerance: Evidence from a real-world banking context. Finance Research Letters, 55 (n° 103978) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
BROIHANNE M. (2022). Banks retail clients' profiles and the gender gap in subjective financial literacy of spouses. Financial Planning Review, 5 (n° 2)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. (2022). MiFID questionnaire answers and stock market participation. Revue Économique, 73 (n° 3) [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
HOFFMANN A., PLOTKINA D., BROIHANNE M., GöRITZ A., KLEIMEIER S. (2022). Differences in and drivers of mental, social, functional, and financial well-being during COVID-19: Evidence from Australia, France, Germany, and South Africa. Plos One
BROIHANNE M., CALL J., DE MARCO A., DUFOUR V., NGOUBANGOYE B., REBOUT N., ROMAIN A. (2020). Non-human primates use combined rules when deciding under ambiguity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. B
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V., WASCHER C. (2019). Corvids avoid odd evaluation by following simple rules in a risky exchange task. Ethology, 126
BROIHANNE M., CAPELLE-BLANCARD G. (2018). Richard Thaler ou comment la finance est devenue comportementale. Revue d'Économie Politique, 128 (n° 4) [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., ROMAIN A., CALL J., THIERRY B., WASCHER C., VERRIER D., DE MARCO A., DUFOUR V. (2018). Maximax heuristics in primates Monkeys and great apes play for the highest bid. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 27
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. (2018). Investment goals and mental accounting in French retail clients. Finance, 39 [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2016). Diversification, gambling and market forces. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (n° 1) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
BROIHANNE M. (2015). Guest editor on Entrepreneurship and Behavioural Finance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 24 (n° 3) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
BROIHANNE M. (2015). Le comportement des investisseurs individuels : état des lieux et enseignements. La revue du Conseil Scientifique de l'AMF, 2
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2014). Overconfidence, Risk Perception and the Risk-Taking Behavior of Finance Professionals. Finance Research Letters, 2 (n° 11) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2014). Des biais psychologiques orientent aussi les décisions des gérants de fonds. L'Agefi hebdo, 20
BROIHANNE M., CALL J., DUFOUR V., PELé M., THIERRY B. (2014). To bet or not to bet? Decision-making under risk in non human primates. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 49 (n° 2) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., ULMER-WEBER M. (2013). Name Changes and Mutual Equity Fund Returns
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V., ROMAIN A., STEELANDT S., THIERRY B. (2013). Decision-Making under Risk of Loss in Children. Plos One, 8 (n° 1)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. (2012). Sophistication of Individual Investors and Disposition Effects Dynamics. Finance, 33 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2012). Portefeuilles et biais comportementaux des petits porteurs. Analyse financière, 43
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V., STEELANDT S., THIERRY B. (2012). The ability of children to delay gratification in an exchange task. Cognition, 3 (n° 122)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2012). Focus on the Individual Investor
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V., STEELANDT S., THIERRY B. (2012). Children Base their Investment on Calculated Pay-Off. Plos One, 7
BROIHANNE M., STEELANDT S., THIERRY B. (2011). Are Monkeys Sensitive to the Regularity of Pay-Off?. International Journal of Comparative Psychology (SHS, Psychologie, C), 24
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V., STEELANDT S., THIERRY B. (2011). Can Monkeys Make Investments Based on Maximized Pay-off?. Plos One, 6 (n° 3)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2011). Aversion au risque, prise de risque et finance comportementale. Revue Risques, 85
BROIHANNE M. (2010). To Find the Blind for a One-Eyed: Funds Tournament and Equity Portfolio Managers Risk-Taking
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., BOOLELL-GUNESH S. (2009). Disposition effect, Investor sophistication and Taxes: Some French Specificities. Finance, 30 [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V., STEELANDT S., THIERRY B. (2009). Monkeys can calculate pay-offs before gambling in an exchange task. Folia Primatologica, 80
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2008). Solving Some Financial Puzzles with Prospect Theory and Mental Accounting: A Survey. Revue d'Économie Politique, 118 [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2008). On the Robustness of Mutual Funds Ranking with an Index of Relative Efficiency
BROIHANNE M. (2008). Jouer en Bourse ou investir en loteries ? Efficience des marchés et rationalité des joueurs. Revue économique et sociale, 4
BROIHANNE M., ROGER P. (2007). Efficiency of Betting Markets and Rationality of Players: Evidence from the French 6/49 Lotto. Journal of Applied Statistics, 34 [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2006). Théorie comportementale du portefeuille : intérêt et limites. Revue Économique, 57 [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., ROGER P. (2006). Les joueurs de loto français choisissent-ils leurs numéros au hasard ?. Revue de statistique appliquée, 54
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2006). L'émergence de la finance comportementale. Echanges (n° 236)
BROIHANNE M., KOESSLER F., ZIEGELMEYER A. (2005). Biais en faveur de l'outsider et nature des mises sur un marché expérimental de pari mutuel. Revue Économique, 56 [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2005). Le comportement des investisseurs individuels. Revue Française de Gestion, 157 [CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M. (2004). Prise de décision sur le marché du pari mutuel : un test empirique. Finance, 25 [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., KOESSLER F., ZIEGELMEYER A. (2004). Sequential Parimutuel Betting in the Laboratory. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 28 [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., KOESSLER F., ZIEGELMEYER A. (2003). The favorite-longshot bias in Sequential Parimutuel Betting with Non-Expected Utility Players. Theory and Decision, 54 [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V. (2018). Risk-Taking in Children and Primates in a Comparable Food Gambling Game. Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 134, USA, Nova Science Publishers
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. Within household savings goals and wealth allocation: Evidence in retail banking, AFFI, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2024)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H., OSEI-TUTU F. Cold time, cool time? Weather-induced moods and financial risk tolerance: Evidence from a real-world banking context, Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG), (Juin 2023)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. Do birds of a feather flock together ? The determinants of the gender risk tolerance gap in couples, Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG), (Juin 2022)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. Do birds of a feather flock together ? The determinants of the gender risk tolerance gap in couples, French Finance Association (AFFI), (Association Française de Finance Mai 2022)
BROIHANNE M. Testing the gender gap in subjective financial literacy of spouses, Behavioural Finance Working Group 2021, (Behavioural Finance Working Group Juin 2021)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. MiFID questionnaire answers and stock market participation, French Finance Association, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2021)
BROIHANNE M. Banks retail clients' profiles and the gender gap in subjective financial literacy of spouses, 2021 virtual Academic Research Colloquium for Financial Planning and Related Disciplines, (Novembre 2021)
BROIHANNE M. Testing the gender gap in subjective financial literacy of spouses, Séminaire BETA Nancy, ( Janvier 2021)
BROIHANNE M. Les apports des questionnaires MiFID, Les Rendez-Vous de l'Epargne, (Novembre 2020)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. Investment goals and mental accounting in French retail clients, Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG), (Juin 2018)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. Investment goals and mental accounting in French retail clients, French Finance Association, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2018)
BROIHANNE M., BELLOFATTO A., DE WINNE R., D'HONDT C., MERLI M., ORKUT H., ROGER P. Présentation du rapport du projet financé par l'Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne intitulé « MIFID questionnaires and financial advice practices », Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne, ( 2018)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. Investment goals and mental accounting in French retail clients, Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, (Octobre 2018)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. MiFID questionnaire answers and stock market participation, Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG), ( Juin 2017)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. MiFID questionnaire answers and stock market participation, LaRGE seminar, (Juin 2017)
BELLOFATTO A., BROIHANNE M. Appetite for Information in Mandatory Profiling of Individual Investors, AFFI, (Association Française de Finance 2017)
BROIHANNE M. MiFID questionnaire answers: stock market participation, appetite for information and investor's sentiment, AMF, ( 2017)
BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. MiFID questionnaire answers and stock market participation, Doctoral seminar, (Decembre 2017)
BROIHANNE M. Conseils automatisés : le regard de la finance comportementale, Colloque de l'AMF, ( 2016)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Finance Comportementale : Lorsque la psychologie intègre les enseignements de finance, Colloque des Ecoles de la finance en Europe, ( 2016)
BROIHANNE M. Invited keynote session: Decision under risk in various primate species: Monkeys should stop playing darts!, Conference BFWG, ( 2015)
BROIHANNE M. Conférence invitée : Decision under risk in various primate species: Monkeys should stop playing darts!, Peut-on mesurer l'aversion au risque ?, ( 2015)
BROIHANNE M., GODLEWSKI C. Building reputation on the syndicated lending market: A participant bank perspective, AFFI, (Association Française de Finance 2014)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. Diversification, gambling and market forces, Conférence de l'AFFI, (Association Française de Finance 2014)
BROIHANNE M. Le comportement des investisseurs individuels : état des lieux et enseignements, Autorité des Marchés Financiers, ( 2014)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. Overconfidence, Risk Perception and the Risk-Taking Behavior of Finance Professionals, Conférence de l'AFFI, (Association Française de Finance 2013)
ROGER P., BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Underdiversification of French individual investors'portfolios andskewness seeking, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2011)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Investor Sophistication, Learning and the Disposition Effect, Midwest Finance Association, ( 2011)
ROGER P., BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Underdiversification of French individual investors'portfolios and skewness seeking, (Behavioral Insurance Meeting, Munich Decembre 2011)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Investor Sophistication, Learning and the Disposition Effect, Conférence IAE, ( 2010)
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V. On the foundations of economics skills:the early development of gifts and exchanges in children, 6th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, ( 2010)
BROIHANNE M. Jouer en Bourse ou investir en loteries ? Efficience des marchés et rationalité des joueurs, Banque Cantonale de Genève, ( 2009)
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V. Calculating investment in monkeys, 31st International Ethological Conference, ( 2009)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Are French individuals investors reluctant to realize their Losses?, Conférence IAE, ( 2008)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Are French individuals investors reluctant to realize their Losses?, Colloque AFSE, (Association Française de Science Economique 2008)
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M. Are French individuals investors reluctant to realize their Losses?, Conférence de l'AFFI, (Association Française de Finance 2008)
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V. Calculating pay-offs before gambling in monkeys, 3rd Congress of the European Federation for Primatology, ( 2007)
BELLOFATTO A., BROIHANNE M., D'HONDT C., ORKUT H., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2018). MiFID Questionnaires, Financial Advice and Investors Behavior / European Savings Institute
BROIHANNE M. (2014). IDEX Unistra-CNRS 2014 pour le projet intitulé « Erreurs de jugement et prise de décision dans le risque et l'ambiguïté : une approche évolutive ».
BROIHANNE M. (2012). Financement par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) du projet intitulé « Les bases biologiques des décisions économiques », janvier 2009-juin 2012.
BOOLEL GUNESH S., BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2011). Croyances, Connaissance, Information et Education Financière / Observatoire de l'épargne Euopéeenne
BROIHANNE M., DUFOUR V. (2010). ANR Bioéco : Les bases biologiques des comportements économiquesRapport intermédiaire
BROIHANNE M., MERLI M., ROGER P. (2004). Finance comportementale. Economica
Engagements académiques
Prix du meilleur article, Finance (2009).
Prix du meilleur article, Finance (2004).
Ranked 2nd at euronext-affi thesis prize, N/A (2002).
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Editeur en chef, (2015).
Direction de thèse, Le comportement des investisseurs individuels français : enjeux dans le cadre de la Directive MiFID , ORKUT Hava, (Université de Strasbourg), (9/2015, 12/2018)
Direction de thèse, (avec Bernard THIERRY), Le développement des compétences économiques chez l'enfant, STEELANDT Sophie, (Université de Strasbourg), (9/2008, 1/2012)