Training Tax

By choosing to pay your training tax to EM Strasbourg, you are contributing to our mission to train responsible, effective managers with an international outlook, who, in the future, will join your organizations.

Training Tax - EM Strasbourg


The Training Tax


Why Choose EM Strasbourg? A Word from the Dean 

"At EM Strasbourg, our mission is to train competent, responsible, and agile managers. Your support helps us to reach this goal.
Our ability to offer innovative learning opportunities to our students and to continually develop our programs of study is in large part thanks to you. Together, we do everything possible to prepare studentsthe future managers of your companiesfor their careers."

Babak Mehmanpazir, Dean of EM Strasbourg Business School



The Training Tax, How Does It Work?

Tthe training tax represents 0.09% of your gross payroll. You may choose to allocate your balance to one or more institutions of your choice.


Steps to follow:


1st allocation period

  • May 27, 2024: Start of 1st allocation period and opening of SOLTéA for employers
  • August 23, 2024: End of 1st allocation period 

2nd allocation period

  • September 2, 2024: Start of 2nd allocation period
  • October 4, 2024: End of SOLTéA allocation campaign

After October 4, companies will no longer be able to select a training organization via SOLTéA.



Methods of Payment

As of May 27, connect to the SOLTéA platform. Looking for your login details? Visit

You can find EM Strasbourg by entering the following information in the platform's search bar:

  • Company name: École Management Strasbourg 
  • UAI: 0673015N 
  • SIRET number: 13000545700051 
  • Location: Strasbourg 


To stay informed and guide you as best as we can, we invite you to tick the box "J'informe l'établissement".



Your Contributions Enhance Our Programs

Discover the projects carried out in 2022:  

  • Inauguration of the INSPIRE experimental laboratory: Made up of three distinct working spaces, this laboratory enables faculty to develop their teaching practices by pairing participative methods with digital technology.
  • Student access to the educational platform Arte campus: More than 2,000 videos allow users to stay on top of current events and learn online. 
  • Organization of a conference-debate at the European Parliament in Strasburg: As part of the course set CLUE, approximately 500 master’s students attended a three-hour conference on the topic of Industry 4.0, given by four MEPs, representatives of Bosch and Hager, and professors from EM Strasbourg.

We Are There to Guide You

Do you need information or help with your training tax remittance? Our team is at your disposal to answer your questions: 


Nathalie Sipp

Partnership & Business Developer




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