International Strategy

Partnerships with international universities, welcoming students of all nationalities, study abroad opportunities, internships abroad, international summer schools, and much more! At EM Strasbourg Business School, internationalization is an integral part of our daily life!

International Strategy - EM Strasbourg

An International Outlook: A Truly Strategic Pillar


Experience Refined Over the Years

In 1987, when the European student mobility program Erasmus was created, EM Strasbourg was one of the first schools in France to offer its students multiple opportunities abroad. Today, each student in Programme Grande École studies at one of our partner universities for a full academic year. This year abroad is a compulsory requirement for graduation. 
Over the years, we have developed a strong and extensive network of international university partners. The exchange agreements signed with European and international institutions have shaped our openness to the world and allow us to offer you a network of 200 partners in more than 50 countries.

In order to maintain and develop our distinctive university exchange policy, we now offer dual degree programs, personalized short programs, and Summer Schools to our partners.


Internationalization at EM Strasbourg

Internationalization is a central element and strategic pillar of EM Strasbourg’s development plan. In 2018, an overarchinginternationalization strategy was designed to strengthen the institution's role as a business school renowned both in Europe and internationally.


Achievements Illustrating Our Internationalization Strategy 


  • Creation of a set of classes and learning activities focused on Europe (CLUE)  offered in all our programs of study 
  • Development of new cross-border management courses


Faculty and Research:

  • Reorganization of the international visiting professor program at EM Strasbourg
  • Development of international mobility for faculty
  • Organization of international doctoral seminars within the HERMES network


Resources and Administration:

  • Implementation of multilingual signage on campus
  • Development of a trilingual website
  • Improved services for international students

Key Figures 

  • 600 international students
  • 200 partner universities worldwide
  • 500 exchange students hosted each year
  • 32% of faculty is made up of international teaching staff
  • 400 international partner companies

EM Strasbourg's European Identity

Located in the heart of Europe and within walking distance of the European institutions, it seemed natural to us to offer our students unique learning experiences with real intercultural input. 

To strengthen our distinctive European character, in 2018 we launched CLUE, a set of courses  and learning activities with a European focus offered in all our programs of study.


CLUE stands for:

  • Cross-cultural skills 
  • Language excellence  
  • Uncommon activities  
  • European leadership


CLUE offers students the opportunity to discover and explore some of Europe's economic challenges in thematic conferences, while developing negotiation and leadership skills in simulation games held at the European Parliament. We encourage our students to improve their intercultural and language skills so that they can understand the workings of European institutions.


To find out more about CLUE, read our flyer here.

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