The Chair in Detail
Important Dates
2019 :
EM Strasbourg seminar “Improving your energy performance: what are the challenges and how can you go about it?” in collaboration with AFNOR
2019 :
European Parliament conference “Corporate social responsibility: what challenges does it pose for Europe?” in coordination with RGDS and EMMAUS
2019 :
EM Strasbourg conference “Female leadership: does it really exist?”
Film On the Basis of Sex and conference-debate, in collaboration with Soroptimist International
Friday, November 22, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. -
2019 :
EM Strasbourg conference “From the climate emergency to implementing SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals” in collaboration with the Global Compact France
2019 :
Seminar “CSR risks and issues: how to define the ones most relevant to your company”
2018 :
Seminar “You and your stakeholders: how do you talk to each other?”
Seminar “Moral harassment in the workplace: between myth and reality,” by Prof. Sébastien Point
Seminar “Slow management, or slowness within organizations,” by Aline Pundrich, CSR research lecturer
2017 :
Idée Alsace SD Forum, of which EM Strasbourg and the Sustainable Development and CSR Chair are partners. Contribution from Pia Imbs: "Innovative solutions to boost employment" with T. Loch, Allemeploi, W. Mendes, Flashguards, C. Schmitt, and Gebosse.
Sustainable Development and CSR Chair lunch "Is your company a good corporate citizen? - Come and share your company innovations" on the occasion of EM Strasbourg's 10th birthday
Presentation seminar by the research lecturers at EM Strasbourg and conference organized with AFNOR: “How do you create a customer experience that stands out? From the measures to the strategy for charming the customers, how can we Do Well, Do Better and above all Do Differently?”
2016 :
Chair seminar: presentation of the Prospect’Act initiative and the CforCSR© platform, an experiment proposed by La Poste, the French postal service
“CSR and crisis management” seminar, presented by Aline Pundrich, Associate Professor at EM Strasbourg, presentation of the World forum and TV testimonial on Alsace 20
Working seminar: "The sources for creating value with CSR," led by Pia Imbs
Working Seminar with Sustainable Development and CSR Chair Companies
2018 :
Contribution from Pia Imbs at the “Strasbourg for Good” forum, organized by Les Echos
2010 :
Signature of a partnership agreement with SPIE
2008 :
Creation of the Sustainable Development and CSR Chair