Disability Services

Disability Services welcomes and supports students with disabilities, enabling them to pursue their studies in the best possible conditions. 

Disability Services - EM Strasbourg



  1. To welcome and advise you on your studies and professional insertion

  2. To provide individualized answers in accordance to your specific needs and in keeping with the law of February 11, 2015, and the university disability charter of 2007 and 2012

  3. To propose study accommodations

  4. To recommend different human and technical aids

  5. To coordinate the implementation of exam accommodations

  6. To stimulate disability-related activities at the University (communication, partnerships, events, working groups, etc.)

  7. To work in networks (registrar’s offices, faculty, associations, institutional partners, companies, etc.)

  8. To be part of the University Foundation's projects


Process for Requesting Study/Exam Accommodations 



Requests for study/exam accommodations must be made no later than

  1. November 14, 2022, for the first semester
  2. March 20, 2023, for the second semester.

Requests for accommodations must be renewed each year; however, some requests may be validated for a full degree.


Steps to Follow

  • Step one: Contact EM Strasbourg’s disability advisor.
  • Step two: Make an appointment with the University’s Disability Services (Service de la vie universitaire - Mission handicap) where they will examine your request, evaluate your needs, in collaboration with disability advisors and program coordinators, and set up a support plan (PAEH).

If you have benefited from accommodations during your previous studies, such as a personalized study plan (PPS) or a personalized support plan (PAP), please bring the documents specifying the measures put in place.

  • Step three: Make an appointment with the SSU (University Health Service) or the CAMUS (the University of Strasbourg’s Medical and Psychological Consultation Center) for a visit with a licensed physician.

Please bring medical documents pertaining to your situation. Students with a dys-type disability must bring a speech and language assessment dated within a year of entering the University. The University’s Disability Services has a list of professionals and a recommendation sheet regarding assessment criteria that can be sent to you.


A Team That Can Support You and Answer Your Questions

EM Strasbourg’s disability advisor, Sarah Richard, is at your disposal and will direct you to the University’s Disability Services. You must contact her before the University.


Ms. Sarah Richard

Disability advisor at EM Strasbourg

  • sarah.richard@em-strasbourg.eu
  • +33 (0)6 31 67 88 17


Where Can I Find the University’s Disability Services?

Service de la vie universitaire - Mission handicap 

Esplanade Campus - Le Platane building - ground floor
2 allée René Capitant


Disability advisors at the University of Strasbourg:

  • Ms. Fabienne Rakitic: f.rakitic@unistra.fr /+33 (0)3 68 85 63 69
  • Ms. Jackie Didierjean: jdidierjean@unistra.fr / +33 (0)3 68 85 65 47
  • Ms. Nadia Choukri: nadia.ait@unistra.fr / +33 (0)3 68 85 60 35


To find out more about the University of Strasbourg’s Disability Services: 

  • University of Strasbourg web page in English
  • University of Strasbourg web page in French

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